class d

I want to hear from people who has had experience with these that did not work out and why,all you hear is the positive.I'm not wanting to bash them whatsoever, its just there are people that dont like them,im curious why.Yes ive had a couple,they didnt actually sound bad,but they didnt draw me into the music at all either.
Hi Rafael, I was hoping that we would be able to move this side discussion to another thread so not to highjack this one, but it looks there are already a few answers to your post. . . so moving to a different venue is no longer as clean an option.

In answer to the damping factor of 60 on the 301 monos, I fear I do not have an answer. I do not know why their damping factor is low, nor I know if this issue would impact your MBLs. . . although I suspect it might. Those are questions for Jeff Rowland. Furthermore, I have never heard the 301s, so it is a little difficult for me to comment on their sonic characteristics. As you know I am very fond of both Spectron and JRDG 312. Unfortunately I have not had the opportunity of listening to both of them side by side on my system, nor I had the opportunity of hearing Spectron in mono configuration as yet. . . . and speculative audible comparisons are always a little. . . speculative in nature. But we have highjacked this thread long enough. . . how about now returning it to its intended purpose? G.
good point Guido. I too have heard similar sounds from other operating classes. Yes I may have been too hasty in my post. It seems to me, however that one may need to spend more dollars to have a class d based system exceed the musicality of a fairly high end class A/AB ss amp. Tube amps not really fair to address here, being totally different devices. A spectron, which represents the best of class d is what, 4 to 5 grand on the used market? I have not heard one and perhaps i shall someday. I wonder to those that have heard this, how would it compare to say a Pass Labs X350.5, or a higher end Ayre in the same setup?
After reading much hype on this particular amp (s300) i was really dissapointed. But this was after having owned a Pass X250.5, an ARC Vt100mkii, and a DNA 225. All of these amps were, in the same system, heads and tails beyond the sound with the s300. Not really fair though, I realize as price and target markets are different, but i lost all interest in pursuing say the bel canto ref1000's or nuforce. As I stated earlier, just mho, and not really worth anything in this subjective hobby to anyone but me.
Dpac996, you have compared 1 relatively inexpensive ($1400) switching amp with SS and tubed devices ranging in price between $5000 and $8000 and found the $1400 amp to be wanting--not an overwhelming surprise. You may have wanted to compare the fine amps you enjoyed with switching devices in the same price range. You may or may have not enjoyed the Spectrum, Nuforce, or JRDG Continuum 500, but at least you would have derived meaningful findings.
I love jeff Rowland's implementation of ICDPower in his 501, 312 and Continuum 500 integrated designs, all of which I've heard pretty extensively. I've had single-ended tubes, class AB tubes, class AB SS and now my new Continuum 500. I can't imagine anyone listening to my system and saying, "It doesn't draw me into the music."

I'm a trumpeter for fun, playing in several orchestras and bands and attending many more concerts as a listener. I look for real musical sound, without added bloom or mid-range euphonics. The Continuum 500 delivers dynamics, transparency and pure sound that sucks me in every time I turn it on.

I'm obtaining excellent results from a PS Audio HCA-2 amplifier driving Acoustat 2+2 electrostatic speakers.