Spectral DMC 30SS& DMA 250, need advice

I have the amps and 350/770 cables comming next week, like to know should I use MIT power cords and powerstrips or sthg else. I have some K-S Emotions PC on hand.
Room is 16x20' with 13' ceiling, Metronome T2i CDP and Eggleston The Nine speakers.
I suggest you listen and then decide. Spectral is particular about interconnects, at least so they say, but from what I know, not with power cords. I had the same DMC 30 with the 360 monos and used other pcs with good effect. Cannnot recall which though.
I'm sure you'll have great sound regardless; however the MIT really is like phoey dust "magic" with the 'ultrawide bandwidth" Spectral gear.
I use Spectral and am always very pleasantly at the unexpected benefits accruing from moving up the MIT power cable products (as well as the incredible benefits of their power conditioning/isolation products). I'd give them a try. MIT is a different class of "technical" product. If nothing else try the non-networked Oracle AC3 which provides excellent power transfer. Feel free to contact me.
There is a problem, in my part of the World there are no MIT distributors. I have Shunyata, PS Audio, Audience, Isotek and Nordost.