Spectral DMC 30SS& DMA 250, need advice

I have the amps and 350/770 cables comming next week, like to know should I use MIT power cords and powerstrips or sthg else. I have some K-S Emotions PC on hand.
Room is 16x20' with 13' ceiling, Metronome T2i CDP and Eggleston The Nine speakers.
I suggest you listen and then decide. Spectral is particular about interconnects, at least so they say, but from what I know, not with power cords. I had the same DMC 30 with the 360 monos and used other pcs with good effect. Cannnot recall which though.
I'm sure you'll have great sound regardless; however the MIT really is like phoey dust "magic" with the 'ultrawide bandwidth" Spectral gear.
I use Spectral and am always very pleasantly at the unexpected benefits accruing from moving up the MIT power cable products (as well as the incredible benefits of their power conditioning/isolation products). I'd give them a try. MIT is a different class of "technical" product. If nothing else try the non-networked Oracle AC3 which provides excellent power transfer. Feel free to contact me.
There is a problem, in my part of the World there are no MIT distributors. I have Shunyata, PS Audio, Audience, Isotek and Nordost.
Again - sorry gentlemen to partly disagree - Spectral also loves other cords. I've lived with Spectral for a long time, have used their cords and still have their power conditioning but have found that Spectral's love can be fickle, as far as powercords are concerned. They live happily in sin with other wire as well. So Teddy bear don't worry, experiment and use your ears.