Elrog 300B vs Takatsuki 300B tubes

Has anyone heard the Elrog 300B tubes ? I read an article which mentioned that the Elrog 300B delivers 15% less power than a traditional 300B tubes. Can anyone confirm that it is audible ?

I am choosing between Elrog and Takatsuki 300B tubes. I would prefer the Elrog because it is cheaper and supposedly wonderful but if it really sounds less powerful then I have to rethink.
Jeff…thanks for the advice…i will probably get the Elrog's instead of the Psvane's.The Sophia 'Royal Princess' 300bs i have are great but they are getting old and i want to have a spare of both the 845s and the 300b to have on hand in case of a problem. will get them next month. i will be demoing the new HF CT-1 pcs in a week or so and do not want to have 2 new items to evaluate at the same time..i will get back with my thoughts on the Elrogs after getting them..thanks again for your thoughts..Dave
Elrog update,
These tubes continue to impress me deeply in their ability to infuse the music with life and vibrancy as they accumulate playing hours. They really do bring my sound closer to what I hear in my local jazz venues. That unmistakable full, rich, fleshed out instrumental tone and body. Harmonic overtones are really revealed and the natural lingering and decay of notes is very lifelike. Vocalists just sound present and utterly living and breathing believable.There is exceptional dynamic energy, snap and excellent music pace and flow regardless of tempo. There's such a wonderful combination of liquidity with very high resolution(all articulate and clear, no syrup). I'm the jazz guy and Bill(Brownafan) is the classical musical afficioanado. Bill are you hearing these characteristics with your genre of music? These are very special tubes that are still improving! I'm around 70 hours (this includes the factory's 24 hours of burn in).

If generally speaking there are two broad camps in high end audio, natural/organic(usually tube) and accurate(usually transistor). I am a card carrying lifer in the natural camp. Thank you Dr. Schaffernitch for your Elrogs.
Well now you have me thinking about these tubes Charles... Shame on you my wife would say :)) i'm going to contact the elrog folks and ask for a data sheet. I would like to know the tube's preferred operating points and if it likes AC or dc heat.
What you describe is exactly what I want to hear. I'm in both the Jazz and Classical camps with a dash of Rock and other styles of music. Natural/organic sound. It will be the Elrogs for me when I get the Franks. Does anyone know if they are going to produce an EL34. I'd love to hear that in the Coincident Dynamo.
Hi Jet,
Elrog seems to favor/recommend DC rather than AC filament voltage for heating. They say that the thoriated tungsten filament due to its thermal properties are more subject to hum with AC heat. I'd get in touch with George(owner)at Tubes USA.com (just to be sure about that). He sells the Elrogs(sold me mine) but also builds very custom tube amplifiers. He's a straight shooter and very knowledgeable. I believe he's located in Long Island NY. I think you'd really these tubes.
Good Luck,