Holographic imaging

Hi folks, is the so called holographic imaging with many tube amplifiers an artifact? With solid state one only hears "holographic imaging" if that is in the recording, but with many tube amps you can hear it all the time. So solid state fails in this department? Or are those tube amps not telling the truth?

Audiofool, as always you are doing a lot of talking about nonsense as usual. Get a life or maybe I should say a livelihood.
The merry-go-round continues, never ceasing to stop, as it always does in this type of discussion.

Nothing will come of this recent discourse besides animosity and contentiousness.

Shall we move on?
Tvad, are you speaking of my discussion, if one can call it that, with Feil? I would think that it is obvious that I would like nothing more than to have no further discussions with him. If you are talking about the challenges to Roger Paul that suggests they know more about what he is doing than he does, then I must suggest that salvos must be fired in response to salvos.
Is the circuit that removes the distortion being done in the digital or analog domain;just wondering?