I'm looking to upgrade my krell kav-280p preamp. Wondering what's a good solid state preamp that I can pick up used for $3000. Thanks for your input!! My system consists of the following:

Pass X-250.5 amp
BPT 2.5 sig power conditioner
Esoteric X-03SE cd player
Totem Forest speakers
Custom silver audiopath cables
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In your case Brytson.But that Placette is suposed to be a killer.Going to replace my KRC2 when I get chance but want tubes and polarity so BAT is best for me.I would sound killer with your rig s well but you said SS.
The Rowland Synergy IIi is competitive with the preamps mentioned in this thread, and the balanced circuit would compliment your Pass amp.
Bob_reynolds - The PASS X1 was in production for 10-years (1999 – 2008) – over this long production period improvements were made to both the Control Unit and Power Supply. I owned - at the same time - an early-version of the X1 with the small power-supply, and a late-version with the full-size power-supply. The later version sounded noticeably better, so out of curiosity, I removed the top-cover of the Control Units and Power Supplies and found the PCBs and Electronic Components of the Control Units to be different as well as those of the Power Supplies - the full-size power supply’s components could not fit in the small power supply’s box. There are also differences in the Control Unit’s Volume Knob, Buttons and Display.