I'm looking to upgrade my krell kav-280p preamp. Wondering what's a good solid state preamp that I can pick up used for $3000. Thanks for your input!! My system consists of the following:

Pass X-250.5 amp
BPT 2.5 sig power conditioner
Esoteric X-03SE cd player
Totem Forest speakers
Custom silver audiopath cables
In your case Brytson.But that Placette is suposed to be a killer.Going to replace my KRC2 when I get chance but want tubes and polarity so BAT is best for me.I would sound killer with your rig s well but you said SS.
The Rowland Synergy IIi is competitive with the preamps mentioned in this thread, and the balanced circuit would compliment your Pass amp.
Bob_reynolds - The PASS X1 was in production for 10-years (1999 – 2008) – over this long production period improvements were made to both the Control Unit and Power Supply. I owned - at the same time - an early-version of the X1 with the small power-supply, and a late-version with the full-size power-supply. The later version sounded noticeably better, so out of curiosity, I removed the top-cover of the Control Units and Power Supplies and found the PCBs and Electronic Components of the Control Units to be different as well as those of the Power Supplies - the full-size power supply’s components could not fit in the small power supply’s box. There are also differences in the Control Unit’s Volume Knob, Buttons and Display.
The Placette is very good, but I would think not a very good match with the amp. It would be very interesting to hear the X1 against the Nelson's no gain buffered preamp from First Watt or against a BENT TAP or simimalr TVC/AVC versus the active pre.