Wyred4S or Belles for Usher Be718?

Has anyone out there made the comparison between the Class D Wyred amps and that of the Belles or even the Odyssey Stratos Extreme monoblocks?

These 3 amps are on my short list to drive my inefficient speakers (sound best with 200watts or more). My budget is 2k used or may stretch to 2.5K for something exceptional.

What are the advantages of class a/b vs a superb sounding class d?

Ok, forget the classifications then.

I'm still having a real hard time deciding between these 3 amps. All three are known as "sounding as good as amps in the 5K-10K range".

The Odyssey i've heard is a step lower, but there is an upgrade available, that I suspect would bring it close to a similar level, perhaps, (although not sure here).

I am kind of leaning toward the Wyred ST 1000 since the comments of wyred owners sound the most ecstatic and positive in comparison to really expensive amps.

The only disadvantage is that they are quite difficult to find used. And i don't wish to take a big financial hit down the road if i sell.

Anyone out there heard the Wyred amps and/or Odysseys/ Belles and can they comment about it? Thanks!!!
What preamp will you be using btw? Your amp selection should depend on it as well. For example, I know the Odyssey amps have a very low input impedance, not good for tube preamps.
Honestly, as long as the impedances work as Rotarius mentions, I'll bet all three of these amps would sound pretty decent on your Ushers. In a controlled A/B would you prefer one or the other? Maybe... but without a side by side comparison it's going to be tough determine that.

On the money side of things, if you're planning on sticking with this setup for some time, I would just consider what your budget is, and go from there.

The Wyreds for example are already priced so low, that IMHO you're already getting a really solid price at full retail. The useds ones that have popped up (not many as you noticed) sell for close to the original retail anyway. Might as well pick up the warranty and the good service from Wally at Underwood.

If your real budget is closer to $1,500, and you decide to go Wyred, look into the ST500. Do you really need more than 250WPC in 8 and 550WPC into 4 ohms for the Be718's?
I heard the Ushers demoed w. Belles equipment. It sounded wonderful. I would easily recommend it. I have heard several class D systems and they all sounded class D except from the Spectron Musician III se. This sounded different but had a signature.

I have heard Wired for Sound and didn't love it but it could be the room etc.

All my comments are based on shows.

From what I have read the 250 watt Class D amps have better specs than the 500 Watt Class D amps. I assume they would sound better if power isn't a concern.

One last comment, class D has potential and some people will love it. But it does have a signature. It is not for everyone.