Wyred4S or Belles for Usher Be718?

Has anyone out there made the comparison between the Class D Wyred amps and that of the Belles or even the Odyssey Stratos Extreme monoblocks?

These 3 amps are on my short list to drive my inefficient speakers (sound best with 200watts or more). My budget is 2k used or may stretch to 2.5K for something exceptional.

What are the advantages of class a/b vs a superb sounding class d?

Honestly, as long as the impedances work as Rotarius mentions, I'll bet all three of these amps would sound pretty decent on your Ushers. In a controlled A/B would you prefer one or the other? Maybe... but without a side by side comparison it's going to be tough determine that.

On the money side of things, if you're planning on sticking with this setup for some time, I would just consider what your budget is, and go from there.

The Wyreds for example are already priced so low, that IMHO you're already getting a really solid price at full retail. The useds ones that have popped up (not many as you noticed) sell for close to the original retail anyway. Might as well pick up the warranty and the good service from Wally at Underwood.

If your real budget is closer to $1,500, and you decide to go Wyred, look into the ST500. Do you really need more than 250WPC in 8 and 550WPC into 4 ohms for the Be718's?
I heard the Ushers demoed w. Belles equipment. It sounded wonderful. I would easily recommend it. I have heard several class D systems and they all sounded class D except from the Spectron Musician III se. This sounded different but had a signature.

I have heard Wired for Sound and didn't love it but it could be the room etc.

All my comments are based on shows.

From what I have read the 250 watt Class D amps have better specs than the 500 Watt Class D amps. I assume they would sound better if power isn't a concern.

One last comment, class D has potential and some people will love it. But it does have a signature. It is not for everyone.
Will be using the Tube Audio Design's new TADAC, (not available yet) with improved preamp section, which i guess would be quite similar to their old TAD 150.

Was thinking about a Mapletree and Altmann DAC, but the Altmann is complicated (needs a battery), plus i wanted a nice analog tube sound to my music, since i will not delve into vinyl.

Price is about the same for all three- $1850 for the Odyssey w/ upgrade, $2000 for the Belles, $1600-$2000 for the ST-1000. Would save some money on an extra interconnect and power cord if i went stereo over monoblock though.

My big thing is that i have heard or have a "feeling" that the Wyred is a bit better than the other two---

Yet i spoke with two people, first, the owner of a Belles 350A Ref, and he said that he would highly consider the Wyred, although he has never heard them. Kept emphasizing how they (class d) are the future
Another stated that both the Odyssey and Belles are not in the same league as the Wyred!!!

However, this is the problem. As Dgad says, the opposite is true. And i have heard that the Belles and Usher are a superb combination. And finally, a lot of people seem to say negative things about Class D amps.
So without auditioning them for myself, it seems difficult to tell.

Will simply wait to get ST-1000 used at least 20% off if i go that direction. I am building my very first system. If i feel that it is not worth the money when fully assembled, i will sell it. Plus with the economy how it is, you never really know how stable you are financially, if something were to happen.

As for the 500 watt model vs 250, i've heard my speakers with 500 watts and it does make a difference, so if i go with Class D, to offset any disadvantages, i figure the extra power will help. Plus there's the option for a little more to go with 500 watts, whereas the others don't have this option, so why not, since my speakers are quite inefficient.
I have a W4S 125 wpc amplifier. It sounds almost pathologically smooth. I previously owned the Usher speaker you have. With a Meridian 200 wpc solid state amp it was too forward,etched and brittle for me. I ended up selling both.

I can only guess the the ultra silky smooth W4S amp would be a very nice mathch for the Usher speakers.