One off my Audiopax 88s has gone up in smoke.

Does anyone know how to contact Eduardo de Lima as I really need a spare mains transformer.

One off my 88s has gone up in smoke. If anyone knows how to get in contact with Audiopax I would be very grateful?

I have tried but no reply.

System has been down since before Christmas!!

Any help on repair/rewind or circuit diagram for a 88 would be very well received.
That is a very old page when Ecosse was dealing with him.

That webpage is available for sale if you dig a bit deeper.

After 3 months I have tried most avenues.
i wish you luck. i loved my 88s, but i was always worried about customer support should it ever be needed. last i heard, no one in the US was distributing or supporting Audiopax. You might check with Fidelis Audio in New Hampshire who, i believe, once was the US distributor. You could also check with someone at Avantgarde Audio in Germany given the frequent combination of their products.
It's possible a company can manufacture a new transformer for you, based on construction of the burned up one. There's a company in Illinois that I used for exactly that situation. I'll try to find their name, it's been a couple of years.
this unhappy situation is yet another reason not to buy from mfg's who aren't well established..sorry for the owner.
You should checkout Plitron.I think as Albert says make you one.They are doing Premium grade work.Go to their website,good luck,Bob