What tubes for ST-70

What tube or tubes would make the biggest change in sound on this amp. The GZ-34, 7199's or the EL-34's. This amp is a Dynaco ST-70 rebuilt by Will Vincent. Also what would i gain or lose by using KT-77's instead of the EL-34's?
In this case- it's a pleasure to say, "I told you so!"(re: the Mullard in the power supply) If you're handy with a soldering iron, replace the Black Cat coupling caps with something newer(auriCap/Multicap/DynamiCap to list a few good, reasonably priced ones), and you'll find even more music hidden in your discs. Enjoy your tunes. =8^)
Well Rodman, you were right thanks for your advice. About the caps, this is not a stock st70. It has been rebuilt from the ground up. The only thing that is original on it is the transformers. From what i can see from the top there are solen caps in the 7199 board. I will have to open it up to see the rest of the components that are in there. But for now it sounds so good i don't want to waste any time on taking it apart. I'll just listen for a while. :)
If it's using the 7199: It's probably still the stock design board, and the signal path components are on top(no need to open it up). Solens are way better than the oldies too. Happy listening!