Audio Research Ref 5 preamp


I currently own the ARC Ref 3. I know its early, but I was wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to do a comparison of the new ARC Ref 5 compared to the ARC Ref 3 and if so, what are the sonic differences that you heard. Any input would be helpful. Thanks
I agree with Sdrenslow that the ARC gear sounded good - especially on the Vandys. I am not a fan of the ARC Ref 3 (even with Vandy 5A), but I'm guessing the Ref5 is better since I loved the sound at the show.
just to throw some more mud in the water. I decided to purchase a slightly used Ref 3 over a Ref 5 after a head to head comparison in my home system (Ref 210s, Vandersteen 5As, Ref Phono, Oracle turntable, etc.). I was previously using a Ref 2 Mk 1 so the step to a Ref 3 was quite revolutionary (with my latest system). note: the Ref 2 MkI mated really well with my older VT-100 MkII of the same era and has convinced my that importance of system synergy in that context... Perhaps that initial impression was enough to convince me that the Ref 3 was good enough. I did hear a "smoother" top end with the Ref 5 on some recordings, but by and large the differences were not significant enough for me to purchase the Ref 5 at this time. I do want to audition the Ref Phono2 at some time, which many have told me provides a more significant performance jump over the Ref Phono (as compared to a Ref 5 / Ref 3). In the end, it comes down to personal preference as many have said and what value one places on what one hears in their particular system.
Hi guys,

the comparison was very interesting and was done in a blind text method, the only difference being switching out pre-amps, this was done in my own set-up and I had five other individuals to assist over a four day time period and then we all met on the last day listened again.

We all agree that there are differences between them, after listing we discussed what we heard and did we feel they were substantial, jaw dropping, a nite and day difference, enough to justify the upgrade difference financially?

When we refer to this specific upgrade, we are referring to the out of pocket money currently, what a Ref3 is fetching now on the market along with buying a Ref5 for and doing the comparison as we did.

I believe it will just come down to a personal preference but non of us felt it was.

Looking at what a Ref3 is fetching now a days and then looking at the additional out of pocket money to move to a Ref5 the Ref3 is a real sweet deal, if the cost difference was closer say under $2K then that would assist making it a lot easier to justify, at least for me so if anyone can assist send me a personal message. I will say three out of the five who heard them in my set-up did not feel so and said they would be looking else where possibly the Ref Phono2 instead suggesting better to put your monies there. The other two preferred my MBL 6010D pre so go figure and that's what makes this hobby so interesting.

In the end we all got to have some laughs, share some stories, drink and eat, I got some more music pce names so it was all good.