Headphone amp for Grado 125's ???

My "private, in the leather chair, by the fireplace, with a single malt scotch" listening station consists of Grado 125 headphones plugged directly into the headphone socket of a surprisingly good sounding Tivoli Model CD player (please don't laugh....it really sounds way better that I would have imagined). A RadioShack adapter fits in between the 1/4" plug of the Grados and the 1/8" socket of the Tivoli.
I'm willing to spend ~$200 to improve the quality of this nice little set-up.......What are your suggestions for a headphone amplifier, and would one really make an appreciable difference ? You can see from clicking on my "system" to see my main rig (in a different part of the house) to get an idea of how I like things to sound.
Thanks a lot.
While I haven't heard your setup I listen through a pair of Grado 325i's. In that price range I would look for used Channel Island VHP-1 and adding the upgraded power supply for a little more cash would be that much better
Check out Singlepower tube amps...not sure what their entry level tube amps run these days...but an older unit should fall in the range you are looking at. They drive my 125's beautifully as they are an easy load. Tubes make them sing and Singlepower is a great amp that is easy to tube roll.
Thanks guys.........Does anyone have experience with the Pro-Ject Headbox II, the Creek OBH-11, or the new Musical Fidelity V-CAN ??
Stay away from the Singlepower amps. Do a search and see all the ripoffs and trouble his amps have caused. www.head-fi.org. he got me for $6K and i am lucky compared to some of his customers. i have recomended his products in the past but many things have gone wrong from poor build quality, dangerous materials, to out right theft.