Amp newbie? Adcom GFA-555 vs Mcintosh 2505

Hi I'm definitely a newbie, and already know my initial choices in starting my first adult sound system will make experienced folks around here cringe...but I'm wondering if I might still garnish a bit of insight to help reduce additional "bad" choices or steepen the learning curve just a bit.

From the beginning; I went and auditioned speakers at Best Buy, and of course fell in love with Martin Logans...and decided to order a pair of Magnepan MMGs (not a bad start right?). Did some research and bought a HK3490, maybe not the wisest choice...kind of wish I had started with separates...but it should be able to handle the MMGs...I know I amjumping the gun a little because I have not even heard this combo due to some shipping issues with Magnepan...but my question is this...I'm thinking I can use the HK3490 as my preamp and add a separate amp?

And the real question how do you compare amps...I am looking at a few intro. affordability choices like the Adcom GFA-555 rated at 200w/channel vs. the Mcintosh 2505 rated at 50w/channel...but I'm under the belief it's not just the watts, but the amps that are driving them...otherwise my HK3490 at 120w/channel should have the juice to power the how do I know which will deliver a better sound for the buck...and more many watts do I really need?
You want to look at the specs for the rating at 4 ohms. This will give a clue as to the size of the power supply. If the rating from 8 ohms to 4 ohms doubles then you have very high current which what Magnepans need.
Based on my preferences with the benefit of doubt to system synergy I would say Mac...mac...mac.

You can visit Audiokarma Mac forum to get a better idea on this particular amp. Good luck on your search & hope the learning cuve would be steep! Cheers.
I think your HK will be fine for pushing the MMG, I would see how you like it before pulling the trigger on a new amp. Magnepans are actually an easy load for amplifiers due to the fact the that are purely resistive, none of the wild impedance curves typical of box speakers. If it turns out you really like planars then you will probably upgrade to the 1.6s at some point, that is when you will really need to upgrade your amp.
Wind - I'm a relative newbie driving MMGs with a 200w (360w into 4 ohms) ss power amp. I think mine (a B&K) does the job well (smooth, warm sound) but haven't done the comparisons to have an informed opinion. I took a similar route as you with preamps and began by using the preamp output of a Rotel integrated. I am happy to have an e-mail discussion about this since we are in a similar boat, but 2 comments: 1) the preamp selection is very, very important; 2) MMGs are great. You are going to love them long time.