Hegel Amplifiers

Tried asking this on various forums, but did not get enough information. If anyone visited the recent audio fests and have listened to Hegel amps - especially the H20 - please describe how you found the sound of the Hegel amps. Any comparison? This is one amp I have shortlisted besides the Parasound A21. Also considering Classe 2200. Did not hear any particular one.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Maybe the Aragon is an older design compared to the A21? I am leaning towards the A21 too. For the cost of Hegel, I might as well get the A21 and have have some dough left to buy a used Marantz Reference series CD player.

In no way am I opposed to fielding questions on A'gon. In fact, I know embarrassingly little about high fidelity audio myself. My post, and presumably that of Mst, was in reference to a different Hegel altogether; namely, the one belonging to the German idealist tradition.

You'll have to excuse the dry sense of humour, but it's not often that one gets the opportunity to insert a philosophy related joke. If you're really adventurous, try tackling the Phenomenology of Spirit!

Anyway, happy holidays and good luck with your audio endeavor!
I searched the net and found the term. I was probably too engrossed in searching for info. on the amps. No issues from my side.

Happy Holidays to you too :-)