Creek 5350 SE, Channel Dropout

I have a Creek 5350 SE Integrated Amplifier that has served me incredibly well for over a decade in my modest Bedroom system. However; I'm now experiencing intermittant channel dropout more and more frequently. Making it difficult to pinpoint is the fact that it can happen in either channel at different times with various source signals (TV, Cds, FM, DVDs). The sound at first crackles, distorts and then stops completely until I rap the unit with my knuckle for a moment and then, sometimes, the sound returns as it should (or not). I want to save my knuckles and spare the amp. I've eliminated all of the external possibilities such as interconnects, speaker cables and other components. I'm sure it's the amplifier in some way.

I found a thread here on Audiogon that identifies a possible problem with the ribbon cable wiring inside the amplifier? A suggested possible solution was to substitute the ribbon cable with point to point wiring instead.

As an experienced former lab tech, I believe I'm capable of performing this mod if it's a good idea?

MY QUESTION: Can anyone reccomend a high quality wire, solder and source for these items to use in this mod that would replace the ribbon cable?

Any additional experience you can share regarding this complaint would be most appreciated. I really love this amp and would gladly go the distance to make it last another 10 years or more.

I thank you in advance for your wisdom and experience.

Very Sincerely,


PS Does anyone have a schematic for this unit? I can't find one anywhere.
Thanks for the info. I opened up my 5350SE last week and connected/dis-connected the ribbon cable connections several times to wipe the contact surfaces clean. Cleaned with Deoxit and applied a thin coating of ProGold on the pins. Also cleaned the volume pot, switches, and other connections. I noticed how involved it would be for a input selector switch replacement while the cover was off. Better left to the pros. I haven't had any channel dropout nor switch noise since the cleaning. Hope it worked, but it has only been a week so far. I know what you mean. The 5350SE is a fine piece of equipment. If something were to happen to it, I would definitely get another.

glad to hear you got your unit fixed...some questions:

- do you mind passing along contact info for this Mitch S and sharing what this job cost you to do?
- what kind of turnaround time was involved? (ie, days, weeks, etc)?
- how much did your repair cost?

thanks, derek
Ref2, I'm glad Mitch was able to fix yours. As I've written above, mine was an entirely different matter (the computer cable issue) and I had all three computer cables replaced with hand soldered point to point wiring.

In any event, the point you make about feeling that the amp now sounds significantly better than it ever did, is precisely what I experienced after my repair. I believe a good deal of the problem we both experienced (but caused by different defects) related to channel balance and separation. In fact, if you look at John Atkinson's old Stereophile tests of the amp, you'll notice that channel separation is only "average" and that the two channels are not balanced.

When this amp is working properly (and that may be a big "IF"), it is magnificent.

I believe the true test is to compare the sound of an amp/speaker system to that of a dedicated headphone amp/headphone system. I have Gallo Reference 3 speakers and a Cayin headphone amp and various headphones, including top-of-the-line AKG, Beyer and Sennheiser. The sound I get from the Gallo speakers driven by the Creek is very close to the sound I hear through AKG 701s driven by the Cayin, namely: flat frequency response, transparency, detail, "air", dynamics, PRAT, etc. The Creek is absolutely ideal for classical music (Does anyone still listen to Classical?) because it captures the ambience of the hall better than anything I've heard and transports me to the event, rather than transporting the event into my living room. When I listen to "live" recordings, I feel that the Creek amp is providing me with a tour of US and European concert halls, palaces, cathedrals and other recording venues. Enough said!