Which One Amp for the Magnepan 3.6's?

Given a choice to drive a pair of Magnepan 3.6's in a large room, which amp would you choose (assuming the use of a tube preamp):

ParaSound JC-1 monoblocks

ParaSound A-21 stereo

Krell 250a
I currently use 2 Mcintosh MC 275's in mono and all I can say is it is sublime!! Taught bass, dynamics out the @@s, and "you are there experience" that has to be auditioned.
I second the Sunfire if you can find one. Great amp that melds with the Maggies really well. I have the standard one with my 2.7s and couldn't be more pleased.
I run a McCormack DNA-500 on my 3.6's. If you like Rock, you should give it a listen.
Well, picked-up a pair of used 3.6's; so far so good! Different sound than my KHorns for sure, but good. Now to find the ideal SS muscle amp... For now, the old NAD 2200pe will have to do...