Which One Amp for the Magnepan 3.6's?

Given a choice to drive a pair of Magnepan 3.6's in a large room, which amp would you choose (assuming the use of a tube preamp):

ParaSound JC-1 monoblocks

ParaSound A-21 stereo

Krell 250a
I second the Sunfire if you can find one. Great amp that melds with the Maggies really well. I have the standard one with my 2.7s and couldn't be more pleased.
I run a McCormack DNA-500 on my 3.6's. If you like Rock, you should give it a listen.
Well, picked-up a pair of used 3.6's; so far so good! Different sound than my KHorns for sure, but good. Now to find the ideal SS muscle amp... For now, the old NAD 2200pe will have to do...
Parasound Halo JC-1's, lots of current to drive your Maggies, very clean sound from top to bottom, high input impedance easy to match with tube or ss preamp. All the reviews are spot on.