Pass amps + Power Cords ??

Anyone find nice synergies btwn their Pass amps and particular power cords? Anything to avoid ?

I have and x150.5 paird up with a PS Audio Statment SC. It's OK.
I'm so happy I can't detect differences among power cables. That would suck.
Dpac996 (Threads | Answers)
You are fortunate to some degree. You certainly same some money.

I wonder though, what other benefits of a high end system you're also not detecting.

Ultimately, you can't really miss what you can't detect, so satisfaction may come quicker and at a lower cost.

Dpac996 probably can't hear it, because there is no difference and he is not falling for the placebo effect.

I agree wholeheartedly with Dpac996.

I can hear a difference from preamp to preamp, amp to amp, source to source, and somewhat, up to a point with certain interconnects, and a good power conditioner, depending on your power supply situation can make a noticable difference. But once there's a good connection from the power source to the piece of equipment, there is very little difference from power cord to power cord. There are more examples of snake oil with power cords than any other item in audio.

Maybe you are one of the blessed few with the "Golden Ears" or maybe you are just justifying a purchase. Whatever the case infering that someone else should have a crappier system because he does not have the dicerning taste that you do, is, well pompus and idiotic.
Macdadtexas, you're reading more into what I wrote than is required.

I wrote nothing of discerning taste, nor did I suggest that he should have a crappier system. I think it's valid to suggest that there may be other aspects of his system's sound that he cannot detect, but that doesn't mean to suggest that he shouldn't own a system of any quality level he chooses to own. He can certainly save money on power cords, though.

Hearing acuity differs from person to person just as our other senses differ.

Do I hear differently than you? Probably. Do I hear better than you? I wouldn't say so. However, perhaps I do detect things you don't since our perception of the effects of power cords differs.

Your position on the topic is crystal clear. There's no interest on my part to debate the issue with you because we are both intractable.

Why so militant?