Power amp around $3000 for C-J Classic preamp

I've all but decided that my next preamp will be the Conrad-Johnson Classic, but I'm struggling with ideas for a power amp that would be a good match for it below $3000. I listen almost exclusively to vinyl and the speakers right now are the Totem Acoustic Hawks but will be upgraded in the near future to probably the Vandersteen 3A Sig or possibly VMPS RM-30, but not yet sure. I'm open to both tube, hybrid or solid state, but I'm more inclined toward solid state. Any ideas?
The McCormack and c-j amps differ enough that I would clearly choose the McCormack's over the c-j's for use with Vandersteens. If other speakers were to be considered, I could easily flip flop. I wouldn't even think about a pre till you've got the speaker/amp match worked out.
Actusreus, the input impedance of your power amp should be at least ten times the output impedance of your preamp. I've been told that without this the highs and bass will be rolled off. Actually if the input impedance of the amplifier is twenty, thirty, or more times the output impedance of the preamplifier that's even better! And typically, the lower the output impedance of a preamp the better for performance with an amplifier. But I'm no expert on technical parameters. I just learned about impedance mismatch when I got back into seperates after years of buying integrateds.
FWIW, Steve McCormack owns Vandersteen 3A Signature loudspeakers. They are what he uses in his reference system to voice his amplifiers (and his SMc Audio component modifications).

The Vandersteen/McCormack pairing is a no-brainer if you want to avoid guesswork.
you are offering i am sure well intended but misguided info.((Cambridge Audio 840W - unique design inside, great result.)) Nice amp but Lowish input imp so so match with a CJ tube pre amp

((Odyssey Audio Stratos Mono Extreme - My favorite Sleeper product - in this case the hybridization is German engineering and built in the USA))
Also nice amp
Also Lowish input imp so so match with a CJ tube pre amp

((Musical Fidelity M6PRX - latest 260W offering from the company that thinks power is almost everything.))
Lowish input imp so so match with a CJ tube pre amp
Please dont take this the wrong way but Perhaps you could stick to tried and tru endorsements instead of ......
Cheers Johnnyr
Unsound really offered the most sound advice. The OP seems to be headed toward a wholesale system change over the next year or so.

Decide on speakers first. Then the appropriate amp. Then the preamp.

Choosing a preamp first before speakers or amplifier is really going about it completely backward, and frankly it's a recipe for disaster.