Power amp around $3000 for C-J Classic preamp

I've all but decided that my next preamp will be the Conrad-Johnson Classic, but I'm struggling with ideas for a power amp that would be a good match for it below $3000. I listen almost exclusively to vinyl and the speakers right now are the Totem Acoustic Hawks but will be upgraded in the near future to probably the Vandersteen 3A Sig or possibly VMPS RM-30, but not yet sure. I'm open to both tube, hybrid or solid state, but I'm more inclined toward solid state. Any ideas?
FWIW, I would go for more than 90 tube watts with the Vandersteens.
Unsound (System | Threads | Answers)
Absolutely agree, which is why I suggested the M-150 or M-180 monoblocks.

One can buy used M-150 or M-180 monoblock amps for the cost of a new Stereo 90. It's a no brainer, IMO.
I'm sure extra power couldn't hurt, but honestly the Stereo 90 was driving a pair of 5As effortlessly and the sound was magic. Highly recommended.
Buying an amp based on what you hear on Vandy 5A speakers when you intend to buy Vandy 3A speakers is a mistake.

The 5A and the 3A Signature do not offer a useful comparison since the 5A speakers have their own powered subwoofers and the 3A speakers do not.
Actusreus, in the long run, the Rogue monoblcks will be a superior match with the Vandy 3A Signature speakers, and they will provide you with a wider choice of other speakers from which to choose.

I have no doubt the dealer you visited is strongly guiding you toward the Stereo 90. Consider the possibility that he is trying to make a sale, and that he may not have your best, long term interests in mind.