6sn7 tubes for Atma Sphere amp

I will have the S30 in my systrem this week and would like to know what 6sn7 tubes are being used by AP owners.

Change out all 6?

I have had in my AN 300B amp the TS RP and Sylvania W Metal. The TS was the better of the two.
I have a pair of MA1s, and after much rolling and agonizing, I have settled (for now) on RCA smoked glass for CCS (first tube), Sylvania WGTAs for second part of cascode (Not sure if it's top or bottom), Shuguang Treasure for first part of cascode, and Tung Sol GTBs (or are they GTAs?) for drivers. The Shuguang Treasures are every bit as good as the old tubes, but you still need to mix them all judiciously to get the best results. Too many Shuguangs were too bright, too many WGTAs were a bi tplodding, etc.
I would say change out all 6. Compared to the new production (affordable) Russian and Chinese tubes, the old tubes and Shuguang tubes sound more 3D and less glarey. The stock tubes should sound very nice, but specialized tubes should adda lot of depth to the soundstage, and a more natural timbral balance. I didn't find any one tube position that didn't affect the sound, be it gain stage, CCS, or driver. You could argue that some affect it more than others, but it's hard to tell. If I had to say, I'd say the CCS tube has the least impact, but it does have noticeable impact. Or I'm delusional.
Does anyone know the respective 6sn7 tube cascode function relative to their positions for the MA-1 Mk 3.3 amps?