Amp for Harbeth P3ESR

I am looking for an amp synergy with Harbeths.

With one qualification. I was looking for an amp with a high-pass filter of some kind with use of a sub-woofer as to open the mid-range of the harbeth's a little and to extend the bass and improve impact.
Most of the amps suggested for the Harbeth sound are very minimalistic. (certainly the lfd which is my number one choice). How could I use a subwoofer in such a setup as described to open the midrange?

The one option I have found is the Naim Uniti but alas it is out of my price range and they hardly ever come up used on here.

The LFD is quoted on the Harbeth website as not having enough bass weight for the P3ESR. I personally think my amp the Creek Destiny is a good match.
Just a quick note, where on the Harbeth website did you read such a thing? If it's on the HUG forum, then you need to read with a critical eye. Statements of HUG members do not necessarily reflect Harbeth's official position. Much like Audiogon, the opinions expressed are just that - subjective opinions.

As far as I know, the owner/designer of Harbeth (Alan Shaw) is fairly indifferent to amplifier pairing. He is of the opinion that any decent amplifier manufactured after 1980 will be sufficient to drive his speakers. This is just his opinion, of course, and it could very well be mistaken. My point is simply that Harbeth does not endorse any particular brand of amplifier, consistent with their almost minimalist philosophy toward high fidelity audio.

If I may make a suggestion: Perhaps it's best not to seek validation for your purchase. Instead, just sit back and enjoy the music. After all, you will never find a single product with a unanimous recommendation - even Harbeth has its critics!
Awesome speakers!
These speakers can go with anything from tubes to solid state.
Leben 12 watter tube, CJ MV60, LFD Zero III , Primaluna and most anything under the sun sounds very good to these speakers.
In the end, boils down to what you would prefer ?
Many choices really !!
Even the Peachtree idecco sounds very good with them.
Good luck-ymmv
Another vote for Nait XS. I don't plan on adding a subwoofer to my P3esr's/Nait XS combo (the sound as it is in my apartment living room is perfect) but the XS does have a subwoofer output. A few of these have come up on the 'gon at good prices, but suggest even at retail the XS is a bargain for the performance.
I think the Naim Nait 5i is perfect! I'll tell you why.

Haven't written much in the past but I think its about time because of the P3ESR/Nait 5i combo. Got the AV bug and couldn't afford to do both 2 channel and AV. Mistake, I missed 2 channel right away. Was very happy for years with a great older Tukan/Majik/Perpetual Technologies DAC/K400/Chord Cobra 3 system. I work all the time on my computer and this was perfect for my smaller room, lower volumes and sometimes higher. I didn't know good it was until it was gone.

With the P3ESR's, feel like I've stepped up 5 notches. Wow!!! This is the best thing I've ever had. No, the P3ESR don't have the bass of the Definitive Technology Mythos ST they just replaced but what fluid natural mid-range. Most natural, fluid, un-fatiguing sound ever. I think the Nait 5i really did end the tube versus solid state debate as one reviewer said but this amp still has really drive without the maintenance issues. This is the system I'm just going to forget about for a very long time. It's going to be around a lot longer then the Tukan/Majik system. Only thing I now want to try is Naim DAC or a the new Rega DAC along with a logitech touch. Also, try some different stands that fit the speakers a bit better.

Current system (Harbeth P3ESR SE, NACA5 (banana to bare), Naim 5i, Cambridge Audio Dacmagic, Chord Cobra 3. Lossless music streaming from an Apple TV.

Let me know if you have any recommendations. Yes, maybe one of the newer Naim integrateds will have more punch but I think it works perfectly. Its not the speaker to blast. I also like the idea of being able to upgrade the DAC at any time and not having it integrated within the amp.

Maybe someone that went from a 5i to an XS/Supernait can tell you what they encountered. Thanks for letting me rable :)
