Counterpoint SA 220

I recently purchased a Counterpoint SA 220. It's in very good condition and sounds great... just as I remember my SA 12 sounding.... BUT, I can't get rid of the hum. You think I should replace the tubes? Has anyone had in luck getting these to quiet down?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xgbryant
I rolled the 6dj8 tubes... that helped. I grounded the CD player, lifted the preamp ground and grounded the SA 220... very little hum now.
As for the upgrades... I'll eventually do them, but for now I'm happy with the SA 220. Besides, my CJ PV-11 preamp is getting $1200 upgrade... can't afford both at this time.
Get a budget line conditioner, I had hum from a computer i was running into my stereo, plugged computer into the LC and problem solved