EL34 Triode Integrated with 35-40 WPC??

I'm looking for suggestions for this type of Integrated. Most recent amps use KT88's in triode/ultralinear modes. Are there quality amps that are all triode or triode /ultralinear switchable. I'd like more than 30 TRIODE watts.
Any suggestons? Budget....flexible based on quality.
I'm especially interested in EL34 based amps.
The Cary uses KT88 output tubes.
I'll second the VTL... I have an older IT-85 so it's not switchable but the build/sound quality is first rate.
An EL34 in triode mode will give a ballpark of about 15 watts,if they're not over driven,from what I remember.
My Audio Space Nova M-34 monoblocks are rated at 32WPC in triode mode. Each one of them runs four EL34s.

I realize the OP is looking for an EL34 integrated. He may have to look for a unit with more than the standard four output tubes to get what he wants.

I realize the OP is looking for an EL34 integrated. He may have to look for a unit with more than the standard four output tubes to get what he wants.
Tobias (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

These may work for him,but are power amps.Maybe there's an integrated out there with 4 EL34s per channel.