EL34 Triode Integrated with 35-40 WPC??

I'm looking for suggestions for this type of Integrated. Most recent amps use KT88's in triode/ultralinear modes. Are there quality amps that are all triode or triode /ultralinear switchable. I'd like more than 30 TRIODE watts.
Any suggestons? Budget....flexible based on quality.
VAC Avatar will not meet your requirement by 3 watts. Too bad. You could have had a killer amp.
The earlier Baron didn't use EL34s out of the factory,as far as I know.I would check into that first.They may need an EL34 option upgrade.They are a neat amp.
The Cary SLI 80 can also use EL34s, along with many other output tubes. I find the Cary sounds best with the EL34s in triode (switchable from pentode on the fly).