advantage of seperates vs integrated

I have been thinking of a change to seperates but.. I was weighing the advantages of a seperate amp/pre as opposed to using integrated (I have use of Classe CAP 151 right now). What I'd like to go to would be all Solid State Audio Research to mate with my CD 3 Mk 2. The additional questions would be; would the ARC SS provide better bottom end to the Apogee Slant 6 I lsten to and would it also provide a deeper and wider sound stage advantage for the investment of approx. $2200-$2700 post sale of existing equipment as I listen primarily to soft rock, new age and jazz? Currently the sound is very good and very smooth, would the change be worth it? Thanks for the opinion.
If I were you I would first either add a power amp to your integrated or get better integrated; Rowland would most likely be my choice but not easy to find.
However, there is no substitute for really good separates.
Just don't compare Rowland integrated to AR separates, compare Rowland separates to Rowland integrated.
Inna Thanks for that suggestion, I had looked for Rowland before but pricing was a issue for me and no one in the area carrys his products to listen to. I like the reiews of Sim i7 becuse of the dynamics, bass and staging. I like ARC becuse it's always been my Mt. Everest. MAC is just plain great and I've heard them a number of times but they may just be a tad slow and dark for tastes but I'd have to listen to them in house. Classe is just plain smooth, great PRAT but I'd like just a bit more bottom end strength if I could but it is truely great with the CD 3 Mk 2! Another possibile might be NAD M3 and again I'd have to hear it. Kclone is probably right on the money, I'd like to keep things as simple as possible and have great sound and it surely would keep me out of spending trouble with extras and change lust. Just trying to put my finger on a great sound stage (wide and deep), some extra bottom end combined with what I already enjoy, patience is a virture and I guess something I need to excerise better, but help and suggestions from the community helps me find the path. Thank you all again for your input and I'm open to more ideas if it could help.
Time was when there wer'nt that many integrated amps about. Well now, most of the large manufactures provide the option, Pass, CJ, ARC and so on.
I went integrated about 6 years ago and am not going back. Under about $12000, I think integrated makes sense. Even above that Dartzeel and others have some options. Currently I use a Pathos Inpol2 and am very happy with it.
A point about the ARC DSi200, there is a review out today in the UK's HighFi World. A pretty good, reliable mag. The review was good but not overwhelmingly positive.
I don't think you can go wrong with the Sim Integrated. Others to look at are Luxman, and Modded LSA by Underwood Hi. Good luck.
I spoke with one company about separates vs. a receiver or all-in-one system. They said two problems, so they only sell separates:

1) Heat generated.
2) Cannot maintain their quality standards.

I would have thought limited power supply but I guess that is related to the "heat generation" issue.

Boy would I love to get rid of all these extra boxes, wires, and power cords though! Thinking about making a three-way wire with only one plug that goes into the wall. Power strip is full up right now. have to unplug one thing to power up something else.