Switched From Tubes To SS???Glad You Did???

As the title says I'm looking for those who have changed from Tube Front Ends to SS(especially mid level gear)& am wondering if you've been happy with the change,what if anything you miss about tubes & what you've gained by switching to SS.Thanks guys,take care.
Switched from EAR 864/Primaluna Prologue Five to Luxman L-505f. I miss just one thing: Soundstage depth. What I've gained is coherence, precision, less fatigue (yes, less!), simplicity of use. I'm still satisfied with my choice.
In this hobby for over 25 years now and have gone from:
1. all SS electronics
2. to various SS amp/tube preamp setups
3. to various tube amp/tube preamp setups
4. tube int amp
5. back to various SS integrated amps
6. to a gainclone/SS preamp
and now currently have a tube amp and SS preamp. And I've concluded:

I like tubes the best. Whenever I have a SS setup, I'm never content and want to change but whenever I have a tube setup, I'm always a lot more content and keep the tube setup for a lot longer. I've had a few different tube setups that lasted over 5 years without a change, while a SS setup never seems to last more than a year at most until I'm ready for something different....So tubes definitely rule, at least for me and single ended over PP too...

But its all about system synergy....not many people have commented on the specifics of what speakers are being used with what gear and that could lean one in favor of SS or tube gear depending on the associated equipment.
I started using tube equipment in the late 60's and with a brief foray into
solid state in the early 70's, have stuck with tubes since around 1973.
And.....drum roll...
I think it really depends on the application.
Right now, I am using pretty high-end tube equipment for phono stage, a
hybrid line stage (solid state audio path/tube power supply) and SET amps-
but these are for horns.
I posted a 'downscaling' without 'downscaling' thread recently with similar
questions in mind, particularly over space, since I'm not sure, even if I keep
a largish system, that I will be able to set it up for a year or so after I move
(heading to Austin from NYC area).
Having said all of that, and having no axe to grind, I know some of the
newer McIntosh stuff(both tube and solid state) is highly regarded, is very
reliable, I don't think it requires the degree of craziness that some tube
equipment demands and you can get it on the used market, knowing you
could resell it easily. There are alot of pricey solid state pieces on the
market too, Darzeel, the ASR Emitter stuff, etc. which are considered top
drawer by people with good ears and deep pockets. (Used the ASR stuff is
not too crazy expensive, not cheap, but you can eliminate the line stage
since in a sense it is like a huge integrated amp and has a battery option
which is way cool)
I bought as a gift for a good friend, a very good solid state basic amp, used
(I think it came from Audio Classics? the McIntosh reseller- and it sounded
very good on his Martin Logans. I can check the model, it cost around 2
grand used. And I know this guy is not somebody who is going to tweak or
fidget, he just wants to turn it on and hear music).
Not shilling for McIntosh by any means (although I did wind up replacing
alot of my home theatre equipment with their stuff (solid state) and it has
worked flawlessly).
Other than that, I am totally into the most whacked out tube stuff you can
And, I think you want to pay attention to what will work well in the entire
chain, both on the speaker end and on your source(s).
I kept my audio refinement separates over a Cronus magnum. The audio
refinement gear sounded more tube like to me. I grew up with tubes in my
dad's Pilot receiver.