Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
Ecmlee, Sorry to hear of your trouble. As you mention, Mick does bend over backwards to help in situations like yours but the shipping and import duties are ridiculous. My suggestion to you and others in the US who have issues with their Supratek would be to find a local technician who can diagnose and fix minor problems like these.

At one point Mick mentioned to me that he had a (growing) list of technicians in the US. I am not sure how that list has progressed or if he still uses the services of these technicians - perhaps you can inquire.

In some cases, Mick has paid for the repairs or provided reimbursement but the "high" cost some of these technicians charge frustrates Mick - especially when he believes the tech's did nothing.

Do some research and discuss with Mick. I am sure you'll find a solution that works for you.
As one who is considering the purchase of a Supratek preamp, I wouldn't stand for this situation (especially when the Art Audio factory is practically in my backyard). Mick needs to appoint/designate one (or two at the most) reputable and competent technicians as Supratek certified for handling all warranty work. Mick can work out some reasonable compensation arrangement with these tech's. This arrangement seems so obvious.
With the problems mentioned, I wonder what is the validity of the Supratek preamp raves, of several members. Regardless of how good a product is sonically, if the monetary concerns of having the gear running are ever present, as per the post by EMCLEE, doesn't that mean that the quality of the product itself is questionable? Doesn't that detract the product from serious consideration as a standard bearer of a certain type of product, in regards to a price point? I have heard of several companies that charge not small sums of money for their products, but that have several reliability issues. To that fact, I wonder how good Suprateks can ever be or become.

PS: Even if one becomes the owner of the finest preamp in the planet, what is the point of being so if one needs to possible have the preamp off to the repair shop for a couple of weeks at the time, as well as paying for shipping and duties, on top of the already full price one has paid for that piece? I remember a certain manufacturer who had the same reputation....Metronome??? That French manufacturer of really Shi--y transports that when functioning were awesome, but I think most of the Metronome owners spent their time in UPKEEP, AKA: sending the unit back to the manufacturer for repair. Of course, everything was worth it when they could play a couple of CDs before sending it for the next repair.
First, how many actually break or have a problem? One in 40, one in 70. Pretty small chance/risk. Second, paying full price is $2500, not $8000 like many of the preamps I have owned from Thor, Wavac and Audio Note. The Syrah bests all three of these and has a great phono section! None of the above three had phono at those list prices.

Be honest, folks pay $300 for NOS tubes and power cords, including me, that still dont bring other preamps up to the level of the Syrah. Again, when looking at this reasonably the cost/risk ratio is very, very low.

On Halo's: OK, I'm glad everyone is happy, sincerely. As I said, however, I think even Bob Crump would concede on my point (and has...). Yes, on Sound Labs that would be a good match. Many people, I believe, are using that combo. When we can run a 300B or 45 into a Sound Lab, then we all be happy! :0)

Fiddler: I'll assume you just wanted to yap on a little (and I mean that in the nicest way possible :0). But, I did not say that one should forego advice wholesale, which is, um, from your tone, what one would assume. Everyone is different, of course, and with different learning curves. If yours' was steeper, OK, that's certainly OK, and maybe the gentleman that I was speaking to might be too - I don't know him - but, regardless, my advice remains valid.

Yes, I know, no one wants to go through pain, or inconvenience, or money, but through that we learn; its a simple axiom, and its recognition has nothing to do with a desire for masochism. I'm sure that some mistakes we would have liked to avoid, but many - no, all - make you, me and your listening mind what they are, here, now. To fail to see what has made one is, well, a point for further learning (through, ironically, more pain...).

On reliability: mine hasn't burped once. If you want perfect security - which I would argue is the marketed illusion of perfect security, at least as far as the hi end goes - then, well, yes, you should look elsewhere. The Syrah is for those who through the pain of failed experimentation have arrived here, and know better.

You can't describe the color purple to a blind man; he lacks a sufficient point of reference, experientially. If a sample of one burp is enough to discount that which doesn't occupy a full-page Stereophile ad, then I really can't say anything...except perhaps that I hope you have many more mistakes - and finally join us here.