Tenor 75 Wi OTL

Just bought this OTL by Tenor.

Living in Destin FL and owning the Atmasphere S30 amp I could remove some power tubes to reduce the heat in the summer. Can this be done with the Tenor?

Kelly High End in Ca. who I bought from said the amps puts off very little heat after being on for a hour or two. BS from the seller?
If there`s one thing thats been demostrated often in high end audio, higher cost does`nt mean better sound.

With the very efficient Zu speakers the additional power is`nt an advantage, it`s sound quality. Often times a lower power amp will have superior sound to a larger and more complex design.

I would think most audiophiles at one time or another have heard quite expensive systems/components that sound like crap.

When I got my 300b SET amp it was less expensive than the 100 watt/60watt triode push-pull I was using, yet the "8 watt" amp sounds better.
Best Regards,
I see a pair of Transcendent Sound SET OTL monoblocks in your future (perhaps even the stereo version given your speakers). Maybe even a stereo T-16. My T-16 does run hot, but not nearly as hot as my S-30.

As previously stated price doesn't always equate to quality, but I get the gist of Darkmoebius's message. In which case you'd find Transcendent Sound amps can play right up there with amps that cost significantly more.
Clio09 I don't mean to rain on the parade concerning Trancendent amps, I owned the T-8 prior to the Berning, great amp btw, but to paraphrase Senator Lloyd Benson to Dan Quale during their debate for VP in '88, "Mr. Trancendent you're no Mr. Tenor. In any case Glory, the Trancendent is a great product but I doubt it comes anything close to what you have been listening to the past few days. The Berning is a step above the Transcendent in all parameters or I wouldn't have switched. The issue with the Tenor is dealing with the heat only. I doubt there are any other issues in question based on your observations. The Trancendent is Class AB vs. Class A operation of the Tenor therefore less heat and of course the sonic compromises but it still runs warm, more than the Berning.