
Not much talk about Rowland. Why is that? For example, Pass is all over the place.
As discussed above, the new series of high bias class A/B amps from Rowland sounds interesting. When will a high bias class A/B integrated amplifier from the Jeff Rowland Design Group be available? I have emailed Jeff Rowland several times looking for a retailer in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have not received a response. If none in my area, I asked about other areas in California. I will try calling them on Monday.
Hgeifman, Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is the best time/place to pry rumors out of JRDG..... I'll try to find out if they have any plans for an integrated based on the current high bias A/B designs when I get there in mid October.

I would imagine the Synergy pre amp would work well with the model 8, but others who are familiar with Jeff's pre amps after the Synergy II can chime in. I heard the Corus preamplifier with Jeff's new AB stereo amp at the CES show last January in two different rooms, one with Vienna Acoustics and the other with a $140k speaker I wasn't familiar with. Also his new DAC was in use. Jeff's rooms were the best all solid state rooms I heard, so check out the new stuff too if you have the budget. The D'Agostino Momentums were the best solid state amps I have ever heard. But for a complete system my vote goes to Rowland.
I have emailed the Jeff Rowland Design Group (JRDG) three times asking for the name of my local JRDG retailer and for information on their new integrated amplifiers using the their A/B designs. They have not responded. Someone on Audiogon emailed me the name of a local Jeff Rowland retailer. I emailed him and got no response. I looked for their phone number but could not find it. It is strange that the JRDG would not provide information for a local retailer.

JRDG has a very good website. Here is the link to list(with phone numbers)of USA dealer/distributors:

I've found the JRDG reps in my area (southwest) to be incredibly responsive.

The 625 and 725 power amps mentioned by Guido have A/B blocks and zero feedback design, but I can find no integrated amps currently offered by JRDG in this configuration, yet. Have you heard differently?

IMO, with the Ayre you already own one of the better A/B, zero feedback-designed integrateds around.