
Not much talk about Rowland. Why is that? For example, Pass is all over the place.
Hgeifman, Rocky Mountain Audio Fest is the best time/place to pry rumors out of JRDG..... I'll try to find out if they have any plans for an integrated based on the current high bias A/B designs when I get there in mid October.

I would imagine the Synergy pre amp would work well with the model 8, but others who are familiar with Jeff's pre amps after the Synergy II can chime in. I heard the Corus preamplifier with Jeff's new AB stereo amp at the CES show last January in two different rooms, one with Vienna Acoustics and the other with a $140k speaker I wasn't familiar with. Also his new DAC was in use. Jeff's rooms were the best all solid state rooms I heard, so check out the new stuff too if you have the budget. The D'Agostino Momentums were the best solid state amps I have ever heard. But for a complete system my vote goes to Rowland.
I have emailed the Jeff Rowland Design Group (JRDG) three times asking for the name of my local JRDG retailer and for information on their new integrated amplifiers using the their A/B designs. They have not responded. Someone on Audiogon emailed me the name of a local Jeff Rowland retailer. I emailed him and got no response. I looked for their phone number but could not find it. It is strange that the JRDG would not provide information for a local retailer.

JRDG has a very good website. Here is the link to list(with phone numbers)of USA dealer/distributors:

I've found the JRDG reps in my area (southwest) to be incredibly responsive.

The 625 and 725 power amps mentioned by Guido have A/B blocks and zero feedback design, but I can find no integrated amps currently offered by JRDG in this configuration, yet. Have you heard differently?

IMO, with the Ayre you already own one of the better A/B, zero feedback-designed integrateds around.
As noted above, I have been trying to contact the Jeff Rowland design Group for information on their future line of integrated amplifiers. Someone sent me their phone number, 719-473-1181, and I called it. The message said this mailbox has not been setup by this subscriber. Thanks to Sandstone above, I finally located a list of JRDG retailers. There are no retailers in the San Francisco Bay Area and the JRDG has not answered the three emails I sent them. I give up on the Jeff Rowland Design Group.

As Sandstone indicated above, I like my Ayre AX-7e Integrated amp very much and have decided to keep it. This is a hobby so it is fun looking around for something better. The Luxman integrated amplifiers sound great but I am trying to buy an American piece. I sold my McIntosh MA6900 integrated because my Ayre sounds much better. Many years ago I owned the Jeff Rowland Concenta but a friend wanted to buy it so I sold it.

I would really like to buy a Pass integrated INT-150 amp but these are 19" deep and that is too big for my shelf in my living room. I emailed Pass Labs and suggested they make a smaller size integrated. They very quickly responded that "there probably won't be a smaller integrated from Pass Labs since they like to bias their amps and you simply can't get the heat out without heat sinks". The GumuT integrated looks like a great amplifier but it is too expensive (for me). The Bel Canto integrated also looks interesting but it only has one balanced input (I need two).

Many of the integrated amplifiers I looked at were very good but not as good as my Ayre.