Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
Ozzy, Thanks for that very interesting review. Now that you have changed room treatments and the positions of your speakers, how do you know that the result is from the Qol? What do you hear when you toggle the Qol in and out of the system? When it is out of the signal, is the sound better than it was before you made all of the changes? Or is all of this improvement only when you have the Qol in the loop? Do you also notice a volume change when you toggle it on and off?

Good questions.
I think all recordings are improved. It's just some recordings have a little more depth than others. I don’t even bother to toggle the Qol in and out anymore, but when I did ,there was volume difference between Qol engaged and not.

Once I got the shorting issue resolved the improvement was apparent and immediate. Changing the room treatments and the speaker positions just added to the improvement.
Ozzy does it sound better between amp and preamp or between source and preamp?
Jwm, I have only tried it between Preamp and Amp because I wanted to use the dual balanced outs for my main and JL Subs.
Hi Ozzy,

hows it going, we haven't chatted for a while. I see you are still enjoying your Anda 2's, marvelous speakers.

I'm really skeptical about this pce.

Reading your review I was surprised when I read;

"With the Qol engaged, the music takes on a natural sound and image. The soundstage becomes very wide and deep. My speakers virtually disappear"

When I had my Andra's, I had them dialed in so that you could not actually tell music was coming from them at all. My prefered toe-in was tweeters firing just to the outside of my ears, I had them placed upon Sistrum platforms.

Reading your own notes you appear to have had some hick-ups, have you actually taken the time to remove the unit right out of your set-up and not just pushing disengage and have a listen and compare?

Did you read Madfloyd posting just above? If so can you comment in realtion to what he heard and the differences you are hearing.
