Anyone HEARD the qol 'signal completion' device?

An ad in TAS... touting this box. I remain skeptical but would like to know what your impressions are if you have heard whatever it does!
do deal with the volume gain why not just an SPL meeter and just make sure you play the track at roughly the same volume? I have an ap. on my Iphone and it works pretty good.
Hi Ozzy, I don't know if that was a question me in relation to the Andra's.

It's been a few years now since I owned mine, I've been using MBL 101E's.

As long as you are happy as you wrote that's all that matters in the end, yes I agree best is to try.

Seems like anyone whom I know who has heard it besides your self has not liked it feeling it just another one of those gagets that might be interesting at first but for long term not so.

I suppose in due time we will all know becuase if it's all that we'll all own one.

As you wrote;

"Well, if you want the deepest, widest soundstage and the wildest dynamics your components can handle, what price is that worth to you? For me, itÂ’s a keeper, no question."

Who doesn't want this?

Ozzy, thanks for the review and impressions. I am glad you are enjoying your Qol. Thanks to all who are also posting.

To address the cable and room treatment comments, I will give my experience as a dealer and from my personal experimentation.

Good cables will always help save the purity of the signal path and reduce noise in a "busy" system so use good discretion and set a budget for these items.

We have played with room treatments with and without Qol in the system. As always first order reflection issues should always be addressed, if possible. This may simply be for good measure or imperative for very difficult rooms. Without Qol, with and without these treatments, the difference is very noticeable. I am not telling anyone on this high end forum anything new there. With Qol, we have found that these treatments become much, much less of a consideration. In many cases, they made little to no improvement so they were simply removed from the room.

In difficult rooms, Qol has also made a nice improvement. Be it an asymmetrical room, odd construction, or dealing with the Wife's firm position on how much real estate she will give up for your crazy science lab, Qol has helped to improve these setups. By taking much of the room out of the equation, these difficult scenarios have become less of a headache.

If any of you are in the San Francisco Bay Area and would like to audition in our shop or in your home, please feel free to give us a call. We would be happy to give you a taste of Qol. 510-279-2600 Or, if you are in other areas and would like to simply speak about the technology, we would love to hear from you.
The point on cables is a good one. I was fortunate to have an extra pair of balanced cables that were the same that I use throughout. Adding a different cable for the Qol will result in the sound being different than what you are used to hearing. That in itself could lead to thinking it is bright or colored sounding.

But contrary to what others have posted, I think the unit needs some break in time, just as every other electronic components does.