VTL ST-150 vs... ?

Hi all, I'm currently evaluating amps and so far the one I am "settling" on is the VTL ST-150. It has a big expressive sound with great, rich texture and natural timbre, but everything has faults and for me the VTL could use some more focused imaging and is a bit dark sounding. Plus, I would prefer solid state to avoid the heat and maintenance of tubes (class AB over class A would be great).

So, people who have owned or have experience with this amp, what have you moved onto or chosen over it in a similar price range ($1.5k - $2.5k used) and why?

Associated gear:
Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor
Placette Passive Linestage
I went from a VTL ST-150 to a Wyred 4 Sound ST-250 a few months ago due to child safety reasons and looking for a cool running amp that can be put into a lockable cabinet.

I find that I do like the W4S more so that I would have thought. Compaired to the ST-150 the W4S is actually darker sounding and I needed to retube my TL5.5 pre to brighten up the system a little, going from New Sensor Mullard 12ax7s to New Sensor Tung Sol 12ax7 brought back some of the high end extension and sparkle that I was missing from the ST-150.

The bass control of the W4S is in a completely different world compared to the VTL, very taught and defined bass from kick drums and bass guitars, I would have loved this aspect of the amp even more when I was running Vienna Acoustics Beethovens. The ST 150 sounded great with these speakers except in the bass were it just didn't have the damping needed to control the woofers as well as I would have prefered.

As for that special quality that tube amps deliver that I can't really describe but I love; the W4S ST-250 comes closer than other SS amps I have heard for around this price but it does not sound like a tube amp. It is an acceptable compromise though and I would recommend it especially for the sub $1000 asking price. Going through two retubes over the last 3 years with the ST-150 could have almost paid for the W4S ST-250!

I moved from tubes to a W4S STI 1000 on a lark. It took several hundred hours of breakin to sound good. I had read that that was the case and it was. Anyway I really like it now and I have twice changed back to my previous tube amps and I could not reinstall the STI 1000 fast enought. I also installed a PS Audio Power Plant Premier with very posative results.

Generally I do not like solid state amps but this has something going on especially considering the price. At this time I am using Focal Electra 1037 Be's but the W4S hase been excellent on everything I have tried thus far. Apogee Stage's, Maggie's, JBL's, Hale's etc.

The Pre-Amp section of the STI's is very simillar to the Placette in design (resistor's) so I expect that it would work well with it also.

The equipment replaiced was a very high quality Canadian Pre-Amp and French Power Amp.
I absolutely loved my VTL ST 150, the midrange on good recordings was spellbinding. Since, I've tried a Pass x250, great, but lacked the midrange magic. The only other solid state amp I tried after the VTL was a Belles 350a, which I thought was a good balance between the Pass and VTL. The Belles had plenty of power, great extension, top to bottom, and midrange clarity, it is truly an amp that I miss.
On the MF-2500 - yes, I used to own one. My opersonal opinion is that CJ comes closer than anyone else to providing tube sound in a solid state amp. CJ amps tend to be very balanced, with a smooth high end (I've owned three different models), and the 2500 is a terrific example. It can also drive almost anything.
I gave my Bel Canto C5i another listen this morning and am leaning towards keeping it or going up to the Ref500s with my Placette. It's really a great piece. Doesn't quite have that spooky holographic quality and natural texture of the VTL, but really good bass and perhaps a more versatile sound as I do listen to a wide variety of music, including a lot of rock and some hip-hop and electronica. Obviously the big pluses are the small size, cool temperature, and energy savings. Maybe I will look into W4S too..

Ff116, I am actually moving away from the Belles Reference 150A v2. It is a fantastic amp and does so many things well, but vocals are recessed and I'm looking for a little more richness and weight. Perhaps a bit too neutral for my tastes.

Still, every time I think about stringed instruments, piano, orchestra on the VTL I am fighting myself and wanting to bite the bullet and keep the hot, heavy, expensive to re-tube monster!