
Responses from ff116

Solid State to replace Audio Research REF110?
You did not mention a price point you wanted to stay within; so I will assume you are looking in the price range of the REF 110. I went from the REF 110 to a Krell 402E, but it sounds every bit the SS amp that it is. It is very articulate, great d... 
jps sc3 vs aluminata speaker cables
I am in a similar boat; I have been using JPS Superconductor 3 speaker cables and a combination of the Aluminata and SC 3 interconnects. I am also using a Kaptovator PC on my amplifier (VAC 160i). I was told your system must be quite resolving in ... 
Pass X350.5 or Krell 302e?
I have owned a Pass x250 and a Krell 402e; which I suppose is fairly close to the comparison you mention. I can say after owning the Pass x250; which the 350.5 is supposed to be a much smoother amp than the 250, is an amp I thoroughly enjoyed. I t... 
How are AVRs for 2-channel music these days?
AVRs have come a long way; however today's use of the AVR focuses primarily on decoding the digital signals for the newer TV's with 3D Bluray, Digital radio, IPod decoding, etc., so they add electronic glare to the sound. So it's my feeling that a... 
Best Power Cable for less than $100
I have not tried the cords you have on your list; however for less than 100. USD, two good choices are: Signal Power Cords, and Element Power Cords. 
Best tube amp for $2000 or less
You already have a VTL preamp; the addition of a VTL tube amp like the ST-85 or ST-150 would do nicely. You would have the system matching thing covered; not to mention they would be in your price range used. There is little else out there new tha... 
Audio Research Ref 110 break in period
I found the break-in period to be fairly uneventful, meaning no wild fluctuations. At the outset the amp was congested, and frequency extremes were a bit limited. The high end extension came in at 300 hours, and the bass began to settle at 400 hou... 
Amp to drive Dynaudio C-1
I absolutely enjoyed the C1's when I owned them awhile back. They surely need a lot of power as I recall to get the most out of them. I didn't use them with tubes, but with a Belles 350a Reference, which was a great combo. I'd recommend a x250.5, ... 
ARC REF 110 owners
Source inputs used are phono, and cd. I have not biased yet, these are new tubes, as is the amp. 
ARC REF 110 owners
My Ref 3 tubes are about 2200 hrs old, although the power tube was changed about 200 hours ago. The Ref 110 has about 185 hrs on it. BTW I'm using the 4 ohm tap currently.I'm sure it is an unfair comparison but my Lamm ML 1.1s with the Ref 3 sound... 
ARC REF 110 owners
I'm using an ARC REF 3, my speakers are Wilson W/P 8. Yes, I purchased the amp new. It was one of the last few 110s produced, it also came with the kt 120 tubes. It has about 100 hours on it currently, however some instruments sound a little off, ... 
VTL ST-150 vs... ?
I absolutely loved my VTL ST 150, the midrange on good recordings was spellbinding. Since, I've tried a Pass x250, great, but lacked the midrange magic. The only other solid state amp I tried after the VTL was a Belles 350a, which I thought was a ... 
Entry level recommendations???
A Rega P1, or a Music Hall 2.2, either is a good choice in your price range, 300-450 new. You might get lucky and score a used one for a few dollars less. 
Which Lamm Amp for USHER BE-10
I had the Usher AC 10 for awhile. They were very good speakers, but the BE 10 I'm told are a bit more flexible, in that they mate more readily with tubes, or solid state. I have the Lamm ML 1.1, and I can tell you it is an outstanding amplifier. V... 
Best Power cord for McCormack DNA 225 or 250
The Audience Powerchords are great, I've used them on everything. I think they sound best on amps, although I've heard people claim they preferred them on digital equipment.