Class D amps

I know Class D power amps are used in car audio applications. Why not for home audio power amps? Thanks.
You would think that audio enthusiasts would welcome the chance to talk about , explain or weigh in on any question no matter how simple or naive. Strange behavior from hobbyists. But Wolf explained it perfectly. I don't ask anymore.
Stringreen, I have owned 2 of the 3 you mentioned and if I understand you to mean that Class D can't compete with them, I would have to respectfully disagree. IMHO, of course. Believe me, if my current amps couldn't cut it, I would do what I have done countless times in the past - spend gobs of money chasing my Holy Grail. I'm not saying the UCD HG with H x R are the Holy Grail, but I will say I have enjoyed them as much as anything I have owned.

And If I am not mistaken, the Kharma amp that someone referenced here as being exceptional uses the Hypex UCD modules, albeit with a tremendous markup,

If I completely misinterpreted your comments, my apologies in advance.
I think the work Henry Ho of H2O audio is doing with ICE amps and massive analog power supplies sounds very very good. A few of our local members have had the pleasure of hearing his amps in my system a couple of different times (with tube pre) and they sounded splendid. FWIW