Class D amps

I know Class D power amps are used in car audio applications. Why not for home audio power amps? Thanks.
You would think that audio enthusiasts would welcome the chance to talk about , explain or weigh in on any question no matter how simple or naive. Strange behavior from hobbyists. But Wolf explained it perfectly. I don't ask anymore.
Stringreen, I have owned 2 of the 3 you mentioned and if I understand you to mean that Class D can't compete with them, I would have to respectfully disagree. IMHO, of course. Believe me, if my current amps couldn't cut it, I would do what I have done countless times in the past - spend gobs of money chasing my Holy Grail. I'm not saying the UCD HG with H x R are the Holy Grail, but I will say I have enjoyed them as much as anything I have owned.

And If I am not mistaken, the Kharma amp that someone referenced here as being exceptional uses the Hypex UCD modules, albeit with a tremendous markup,

If I completely misinterpreted your comments, my apologies in advance.
I think the work Henry Ho of H2O audio is doing with ICE amps and massive analog power supplies sounds very very good. A few of our local members have had the pleasure of hearing his amps in my system a couple of different times (with tube pre) and they sounded splendid. FWIW
12-17-11: Wolf_garcia
It is important to carefully research any question before posting it to this forum as many here live on the edge of
emotional sanity, and asking a seemingly uninformed or naive question can push some members into a frenzied and uncontrollable episode of sweaty manic responding creating posts written in a spirit of self righteous indignation crammed with every scrap of vitriol laden minutia their frazzled brains can summon to the page. Nobody needs that.
Wolf_garcia (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Amen to that, as has been shown by my thread on >speaker cable vibration. You would have thought I started a thread on the merits of golden parachutes the way the Occupiers moved in.

12-17-11: Rok2id
You would think that audio enthusiasts would welcome the chance to talk about , explain or weigh in on any question no matter how simple or naive. Strange behavior from hobbyists. But Wolf explained it perfectly. I don't ask anymore.
Rok2id  (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Rok2id, I seem to recall you were 'irritated' that I had discovered and posted about music-borne vibrations in speaker cables. I swore that day to be sensitive to you with any future posts. But you've obviously turned over a new leaf. I'm touched. Misty, actually.

To the OP - no shortage of d-bags on this forum. And we wonder why "audiophilia" isn't accessible to more people. Some people here wouldn't know how to lighten up if they took an enema full of helium.