Thoughts on 845 set monoblocks

Your preference and why.
I have`nt heard Audion(good reputation) but have heard the Viva 845 amp and thought it was wonderful.Did`nt hear it with Tannoys but why would`nt they work together? I understand Phaelon`s caution for power concerns but Jeff Day says his 8 watt 300b SET Sophia was the best sound with these speakers he has ever heard. Who knows? You have many good options to consider.
Like Charles, I haven’t heard Audion but have been favorably impressed by Viva. If you’re concerned about claims that Viva amps are slow (I’ve heard that claim elsewhere), all things being relative, I actually thought they were fast. Keep in mind that other factors could be involved - tube selection has a huge impact on Viva amps in my experience.

I’m not recommending Viva to you Wylmars. Even if I heard them with the Westminsters and loved them, I would hesitate to do that - it’s too personal of a decision. But if you are seriously considering Viva, I recommend that you call Amedeo Schembri, the amps designer. I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew the actual amps for sale.
If $$$ is not a problem then you should definitely look into the Viva amps as Charlesdad1 and Phaelon suggest.
I heard them driving large Sonus Faber speakers and the sound was very enjoyable or should I say VERY ENJOYABLE !!
I have deHavilland 845 amps.
Great sound and a joy to use.
Best of luck in your decision
Anyone - the dealer offering the Viva Aurora amps doesn't know if what he's offering is an Aurora or Aurora XL model. He's trying to find out. I too have sent a request to Viva asking if there are any visible identifiers or a range of serial numbers that would confirm XL model authenticity. Does anyone know how to identify an Aurora XL from the earlier Aurora models?
Phaelon; tubes are new to me. I've always needed high output solid-state amps to run my Soundlab's. Thus, when you said 'tube selection has a huge impact on Viva amps' you have my attention. What should I 'know' about tubes for the Viva? Are they hard on tubes, or is it the sound characteristics vary widely from tube manufacturer to manufacturer? I realize this sounds naive, but I am knew to the world of tube amplifiers.