Thoughts on 845 set monoblocks

Your preference and why.
Anyone - the dealer offering the Viva Aurora amps doesn't know if what he's offering is an Aurora or Aurora XL model. He's trying to find out. I too have sent a request to Viva asking if there are any visible identifiers or a range of serial numbers that would confirm XL model authenticity. Does anyone know how to identify an Aurora XL from the earlier Aurora models?
Phaelon; tubes are new to me. I've always needed high output solid-state amps to run my Soundlab's. Thus, when you said 'tube selection has a huge impact on Viva amps' you have my attention. What should I 'know' about tubes for the Viva? Are they hard on tubes, or is it the sound characteristics vary widely from tube manufacturer to manufacturer? I realize this sounds naive, but I am knew to the world of tube amplifiers.
Phaelon: My question was not well thought out. My error. I realize tubes have different sound characteristics. I was attempting to ask which tubes to stay away from with regard to Viva amps.
Wylmar, I found nothing wrong with your question. Most of my experience with Viva comes from years of listening to a good friend’s Solista. He’s a man who takes the challenge of optimizing his system’s performance to the level of fanaticism. I know he’s tried quite a few tube combinations and found that the Viva is fairly selective of the tubes it likes. He calls Amedeo regularly and finds him very accommodating. I urge you to call him too. He can advise you on the particulars of the unit for sale as well as tubes that will be synergistic with your amp and the speaker load. Another reason you should make his acquaintance is that he continually offers upgrades. I know that’s not a direct answer to your question, but I don’t feel qualified to advise you on a tube set.
Thank you Phaelon. I have a close personal friend who has sixty (60) years of experience with tube amplifiers and he has had bad experiences with 845 tubes. Since I am new to tubes, I'm asking a lot of questions trying to get varying perspectives on both the Viva amps and 845 tube manufacturers.