Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ Melkior,, Congrats on your new tubes for the power suppy of the Ayon cd-5, The 6c4p are the tubes to have for the stock replacement, you should enjoy the up-grade!,, There is a big cost difference and sound difference between the 1991 6h30 tubes and the 1986 6h30 tubes!, what I meant about the sound that Ayon does with 6h30 tubes versus the 12ax7 and 12au7 tubes, Is how good the sound fleshes out and blooms the same as those other tubes I just mentioned, to me thats unusual!, I have not heard that happen in other players that uses the 6h30 tubes!, Ayon is doing something special for the sound of these 6h30 tubes!,, cheers!

New to the club, just bought a used Ayon Orion amp.

I am considering replacing the EHKT88's with KT88Z's/Psvanes, any one done the same?

I too, am also interested in the IR code for the remote. I would like to use my Samsung tablet to control the volume on the amp.
@ melkior, So how do the new tubes sound in the power supply of you Ayon?, cheers!
Hello :-)

Well I did not expect to improve anything with the Reflector 6C4P, as I bought them more to have some spare tubes, but I must say I've been surprised, the CD5 obviously sounds better with them. I say "obviously" because for me it was not an upgrade to improve anything, just to put new tubes, so when I switched on the Ayon and push "play", I was not paying attention to the sound. But after a few seconds I just realized that it was not as usual, something was better, so I spent more time listening and yes it's clearly better.
Now I can't say if it's because previous tubes were too old or if the Reflectors ones are better but sound is more defined and clear.
@ Melkior, Thats some awsome info!, The 6c4p tubes are better than the stock tubes!, I have heard this response many times that going to the 6c4p tubes result in a better sound!, congrats!,, I have a question for you!, to me the 2s sounds a little foward sounding!, Does you player have that atribute?, cheers!