Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
The 24/192 sounded less smooth. It sounded unnatural. The 2s on the regular setting sounded best to me. It's a great player. It is worth every dime. I'm happy with it.
@ calvinj, I agree!, The Ayon2s is worth the asking price for sure, I suppose the 24/192 setting would depend on the rest of the equipment being used!,We have 428 hours on our player,24/192!, LOL!, 2 hours of burn-in on the Red book setting!, To us, unless I need playing time on the Red book setting, The 24/192 sounds more smooth and natural!, Go figure, LOL!, The problem is that the 24/192 is a little forward sounding, I believe I can tune that out with resonance control underneath the player!, I would like to continue our conversation here, since you are the first 2s owner I have talked to, cheers!
@ Calvinj, I am useing the Taralabs zero gold interconnects, balanced,,, I am useing the stock Ayon cord temporarly, I am getting the Taralabs cobalt a/c power cord to go on the Ayon 2s player very soon!,I have been building this system for 13 months!, cheers!
@ Rx8man, Thankyou for the video!,man, thats really easy to change the tubes out!, people made sound alot worse than it really was!, Do you have an Ayon product?, cheers!