Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@gammajo. Are the EH 6h30pi gold pins warmer and more musical than the stock tubes. I'm not spending 1000 bucks on tubes. At least not yet. Lol. I just got the mit ac1 I'm not happy with it at all. I like the oracle ziii power cord a lot better and it was a lot cheaper. I going to send it back and get the ziii. As far as tubes go how much better are the reflector 1980 nos 6h30dr tubes compared to the stock and the eh 6h30 pi gold pins. I just want a warmer sound. That power cord made it brighter and with my clarus cables already being detailed it was a big no no. Audiolabyriinth is going to tell me that tara labs fixes it all. I heard the ziii oracle mit and it was a lot better. I would like to know your input. No tara labs suggestions please lol.
@ calvinj, Did you see my post to you on 6-23-13?, that power cord will be here friday!,, LOL!, ok,I will leave Taralabs out of the conversation, only because Taralabs most certainly does not fix everything!, I agree, the 1980 nos reflector 6h30 tubes are exspensive!,, I am wondering if you have the non warm issue mistaken for the slight forward sound that I have complained about with the Ayon 2s? ,, My ayon here does not sound like it need eanything to make it warm sounding, thats why I believe the forward sound you are really hearing, you may believe you can fix that with tubes or cables?,, LOL!, I got it, Lets sell our ayon 2s players together and get something else all together!,, Just kidding!, Ha, Ha,!, I may do that later eany way!,, now you said you got a mit ac 1?, I am asumming that is a cheaper a/c power cord than the ziii oracle mit cable?, I thought you rented the ziii oracle and used it on your system?,, I believed you did!, If the oracle ziii mit sounds better but cost more, who cares, get the cable!, sometimes we have to spend more to get a great sound, this seems to be one of those times calvinj, go for it!,, cheers!
Calvin I too am not sure whether it is warmer that you are after. To me my system sounds like live music (which has a natural warmth but also sharpness when called for), but things that made it seem bright and harsh needed to eliminated. I have very clean power, my amps are weighted and vibration controlled and each piece of equipment is isolated electrically from each other. And my speakers are very natural (not over bright like many brands) In this system the EH 6h30pi gold pins sound very good and at $30-$40 per why not try them? Also why don't you post about your whole system and room and perhaps we can figure out what might be stealing warmth?
@ Gammajo, Very well said my friend, I have tried to help calvinj, he is a good fella!,Please give him the recomendations he needs, I am not sure if he wants to listen to me, however, I can see you and me are on the same page!, so its the same!,I am going to put resonance control on the 2s player, I just pulled the trigger on the Taralabs cobalt power cord!, be here tomorrow!, this will add tons of body for the ayon 2s and fix, what I call, one of the worst voices of singing I have heard from a player of this cost point!, I am not sure if I want to keep this player, the jury is out right now!, I may need a Ayon 5s player, since the tubes in the power suppy color the sound to give a bigger sound stage and kills the forward sound that the 6h30 tubes are famous for!,, cheers!