Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ calvinj, that is funny!, you got your turn to make me laugh out of my chair!, you know, paul telling you to use Taralabs!, If the mit oracle ziii appeals to you, get that cable, after all, It is your system that you are listening to!, LOL!, Like I said, no hard feelings, I enjoy talking to you, I would buy used!, I sent you a E-mail!, there is more mit cables on the used market than eany other brand period!, look for yourself!, you can get any mit cable you want, right here on the audiogon!, cheers!
Ok I give in. I might have to try tara labs. Lol. Fellas this is my system. Classe cp800. Classe ca2200. Ayon cd2s. Clarus crimson speaker cables. Mit matrix hd 36 interconnect. Clarus crimson power cords. I'm needing one more organic sounding smooth interconnect.
Hi calvinj, Hey, Do not feel funny! I feel like we are friends now!, You have got some awsome cables here!, Your whole fricken system is nice!, Forgive me, I am pumped!, I just recieved my Taralabs cobalt power cord!, To my supprise, It has serial numbers on it, I called Taralabs a.s.a.p., They told me the original owners full name, the same guy I bought from!, That it was made in january,2013 and it has the very top of the line oyaide plugs on it, up-graded their at the factory1, A $450.00 up-grade!, This fricken power cord is huge!, I have never seen a girth this big around!, Taralabs a while back authenticated my zero gold i/c the same way, All the rest of the Taralabs cables I own, Taralabs has me in their system as the original owner!, I am calling them back next week to register my name on the cobalt power cord and the zero gold i/c as me in their system as the second owner of these cables, that way, all my Taralabs cables will be authenticated with Taralabs and my name with them!, Their is alot of fakes out there calvinj, in all cable brands!, calvinj, do not buy a cheap model Taralabs power cable!, you would not like that!, Dude, I just got blessed with one of the best deals in high-end audio that i have ever got!, The cobalt with up-graded oyaide plugs 6 foot is $5,450.00 before taxes!, I bought this one-meter with the oyaide plugs for $1,000.00 free shipping, no pay-pal!, Go Audiogon!, Calvinj, this is why you should look into buying used, Foe crying out loud, My cobalt power cord turned out to be new!, If you have eany questions on Taralabs, I can be of service, I do not want to cram Taralabs down your throut!, what ever you would like to do calvinj, I am here to help you the best I can! Happy listening!
@ calvinj,Damn, This whole time I thought you wanted a power cord!,LOL!, My offer is the same, If I can be of eany help with cables in general, and Taralabs, I will do my best!, cheers!
Ok I will check with you when I'm ready. My dealer is a elrod statement dealer as well. He just let me demo the elrod statement gold I just put it in. It is the size of a muffler. Lol.