Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ calvinj, hey man, I am very upset with my ayon and u.s.a.tubes, forgive me!, I am going to demand a new unit!, free shipping!, I am sorry, I do not want to elaborate on it alot right now calvin, latter, after I see what lousy u.s.a. tubes is going to do, Then I may talk to you about it thru e-mails!
You may have experienced an infant tube failure which happens. USA can take a few days to respond but I am confident that they will help you. They attempted a repair on my unit after about a year and when it did not work the first time send me an entirely new unit free ship without me asking and before I even sent them back the broken one. It has worked to perfection. Let us know how it turns out
@ Gammajo, Hi, Man, I really need to hear that from you, I am totally up-set here!, These players cost alot of money, And to tell you the truth, It took months for me to pay mine off with a lay-away!, Gammojo, this is my 3rd player in 14 months, are you saying usa tubes fixed your unit, a year later, you had another issue?, then they sent you another unit?, Steve at a company called, the service department home, that I have talked on the phone in general, is the owner and technician of his company,He is also a certiefied service for Ayon!, He said I should not pay shipping either way period!, really I am not!, He used to be the service manager at Krell for 20 years!, He also said he doubted that usa tubes will send me another unit period!,,, Gammajo, thats funny you said it may be the tubes on the right channel, the first thing the wife said when she saw the flash of light and pop sound with me, she said, thats the tubes! I will keep you and calvinj posted!, lets hope your theory is what it is!, regardless, the player has to leave my home to be fixed!
Come down audio it will be ok step away from the ledge. Ayon and usa tube will make it right.