Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ Melkior, Hi my friend!, long time since you come out!, I finally talked to usa tubes, they have said the same thing as you and Gammojo did that most likly is the problem!, the tubes and fuses!, however, I have to pay for shipping to them, and in turn they will pay for shipping back by air!,Paul said that useing rca or xlr most likly had eanything to do with it!, He thinks as Gammojo does, bad tubes from the factory!, we will see!, Paul is one of the usa, tube employees, which is ayon audio usa, the distributors for the united states!, they said, if they find a major issue, and the factory needs to know of a reliabilty issue, then they will send me a new unit!, paul said that is highly unlikly to be anything major!, Melkior, I always used this unit by xlr, worked fine, when I went to use it on a solid state reciever on rca there was no sound at all from the right channel!, the left channel played!, then pow!, and a small flash of light where the tubes are on the right channel!, then no sound at all, but the player was still powered on!, I quikly turned it off, and unplugged it!, I am lost for words!
Audiol I know it is frustrating but I think they will make it good as soon as they can. I did pay ship there and they paid ship back. To be clear about a year into my first player there was clatter and difficulty in reading CD's. They attempted repair and then when that did not work (a whole batch of Philips Transports was bad - first time that happened), they sent me new unit free, saying that Ayon's policy was that if they did not fix it the first time, you got a new unit.
I have had tubed equipment for many years and in any brand of equipment tubes of any brand can go, but failure is most likely to occur if it is going to occur in the first couple hundred hours of use which what they call infant tube failure. There is no way to detect beforehand. This is one reason that I stick with tubes in the preamp which are under less stress than in tubed amps. Other good news is that after one year of nearly daily use in my first unit the tubes tested as new which speaks to Ayon's circuits being very gentle on tubes and that tubes in the unit should last a very long time if they make it through infancy. Hope this helps
@ Gammajo, Thankyou so much!, You are an awsome asset to me!, It defiantly Helped!I really did not know much about tubes other than what a few types sound like, this is my second tube player, and the first was the best sounding to me, but it had tube problems, It was bleeding d/c into my solid state amp, threw that into standby mode!, I had to get a refund on that vincent top tier player, That player had a very musical sound, it used 3-12ax7 tubes and 1-12au7 tube, and the player was truely balanced!, Gammajo,The Ayon 2s player I own was at 435 hours of use!, and then this malfuction! what did you use to test tubes?, I need to buy that!, you had a very good reson to get another unit for free!, LOL!, they really did not have a choice!, The infant tube failure sounds to u.s.a. tubes is what happened, they want the unit to make sure they can go thru the whole unit for problems else where!Thankyou, you and Melkior know what you are talking about very well, The both of you have brought me some peace! cheers!
Didnt mean anything about it calm down usa tube audio is a good company and ayon will take care of you. Heard that they stand behind thier stuff.
I know when equipment goes bad it is frustrating at the prices we pay. We expect that they back thier products. That's why we pay the high premium
To get the best. I am going to order the eh 6h30 gold pins and in two weeks order the 6h30 dr.