Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
Didnt mean anything about it calm down usa tube audio is a good company and ayon will take care of you. Heard that they stand behind thier stuff.
I know when equipment goes bad it is frustrating at the prices we pay. We expect that they back thier products. That's why we pay the high premium
To get the best. I am going to order the eh 6h30 gold pins and in two weeks order the 6h30 dr.
@ calvinj, your answer from the 0.8 thread is I am shipping the Ayon 2s back to usa tubes friday, they want the player returned to them to fix it or give me another one!, I am calm calvin!, I never had a piece to malfuction in less than 90 days before, and I never have owned a cd player this exspensive before, so when you put the two together, It is up setting for this to happen!, I do not know about where you live, but here, people already think it is ridiculas to spend this much for a cd player!, congrats on you getting some tubes, I would like to know your impresseions on the new tubes after you run 100 hours on them, then they still may get better with more hours!, 150 tops!, You are correct, usa tubes is going to give fixing my player a spinn!, thankyou calvinj, cheers!
I have an old B&K Model 606 Tube tester (usually available on ebay) that I like a lot but it does not test 6H30's so I had USA test my tubes for me
@ Gammajo, Hi, Thankyou for the answer, Do they make a tester that will test all tubes that is affordable?, BTW, you said in an earlier post that the warm, cheaper 6h30 tubes you bought sounded good in comparision to the 1980 nos 6h30 p-dr tubes, Is the 6h30p-dr 1980 tubes at usa tubes price of $275.00 worth the cost comparied to the 6h30 alternative tubes you bought for back-up???,, cheers!