Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@ calvinj, Hi, I agree with you 1,000%, As much as the ayon 2s and 5s cost, they should have the better tubes in the player!,, You may know or may not know, you will need 100 hours of burn-in on the tubes you roll into your player!, eany set!, eany tubes need atleast that many hours on any player, you may ask these gentleman If you are not sure of what I am saying is true, I will not be offended, Its always a better feeling to have more opinions, I look forward to your findings as well, please share your experience with us, thankyou calvinj, cheers.
Hi Audiolabyrinth,

My CD-5s is a demo one and fully broken-in so additional burn-in might not be necessary. Even fully broken-in gears I always let them run for whole night before I make any serious listening.

In terms of 6H30 tube, it is a very interesting story to me. My BAT VK D-5 is 6922 tube based and BAT was trying to promote the SE version of all their gears by replacing 6922 tubes with 6H30 tubes around Y2K. Some BAT owners considered 6H30 tube too analytic and refused to convert but new owners embraced 6H30 frantically and preferred its higher output. At that time I audited the SE version in my own system and got the same forward sounding impression as you have on Ayon CD2s.

Through all these years, I audited more 6H30 tube based gears by Audio Research and BAT mainly. To my surprise, designers collected more knowledge and experiences to "tame' this muscular tube in the past decade. However, I have to agree with you regarding the soundstage dissatisfaction of Ayon CD players, even CD5s. This early morning I experienced the insufficient soundstage as well so I changed the interconnect cable and let it run for another 6 hours. After the cable switching, the soundstage is wide and deep now, not the most impressive cases yet satisfactory.

Give me one more day, I'll update my comparison of Ayon CD5s and Esoteric K-03.

Happy Listening.

@ yul11375, Thats was a very good story you just posted, a great read,, Take all the time you need on getting your conclusions, I will be here,, Thankyou, I can tell you are a well seasoned audiophile!, This is a compliment to you sir, I do not consider many audiophiles in this catorgory, congrads, look forward to your post,, cheers.
Well I have to let someone put the 6 h30 eh gold pins in. I opened the unit up today and itis not just a simple tube roll. Also the sound with these tubes could be better I'm hoping theses tubes make it less forward sounding and give sit a wider soundstage. I will report back after i put some hours on the unit with the new tubes. I tried it on the ear 868 with a levinson amp over my friends house and it was not a match. However it sounds Bette on my classe gear. Will have the tubes put in by Tuesday and will give my impressions then.
Hi Audiolabyrinth,

Thank you for your kind words.

Below are my humble impressions of my experiences regrading the differences between Ayon CD-5s and Esoteric K-03

1. What player has the deeper more impact full bass?
Esoteric K-03. It produces more punch.

2. What player has a full bodied richer sound?
Ayon CD-5s. This is the very reason I favor CD-5s. Its
decay makes each single note so rich like melt Brie
cheese not just creamy butter.

3. What player has the deeper sound stage?
Esoteric K-03 wins marginally only.

4. What player has a bigger sound stage?
Esoteric K-03. It shows definite its superiority in this
aspect clearly.

5. What player has better focus and resolving power?
Esoteric K-03. I haven't experience any tube based
machines can surpass solid state gears in this category.
BAT's sound is very close to solid state machine but some
tube lovers claim it is too analytical.

6. What player sounds more sterile and analytical?
Esoteric K-03. On the contrary, I haven't experience any
solid state gears is not analytical when being compared
with counterpart tube based machines.

7. What player has the better mid-range, snare drums,
vocals, guitars,that are full bloom and realistic
sounding, not thin!, full and rich,with full body sound

Ayon CD-5s. The mid-range is definite its forte. Even
Freddie Mercury's voice makes me almost in tears when
CD-5s plays Queen's songs. The sound resonance it
produces just adequate not overly exaggerated. Female
vocals are even better, sweet and touching, not piercing.
For guitar, Ayon CD-5s plays the traditional Flamenco
music's romance and passion but Esoteric K-03 reproduces
electric guitar music more faithfully. For snare drums, I use "Picture at
Exhibition" to test machines, Esoteric K-03 responses

Above are only my limited personal experiences, people might have different opinion(s). If you do, please kindly share yours with us.

Happy Listening.
