Ayon Audio Forum- all questions and suggestion

Since there has been quite a bit of questions of upgrades and speaker synergy and tubes, some of us Ayon Owners decided to start a little thread.

Questions of how,what,when and have are all welcome

Have Fun and Be Positve !
@sksos1. Cd2s was thin and ear bleeding to me after initially sounding pleasant. Over a period of 4 months it got worse by the month. I have owned both and listened to each for at least 100 hours. I am not a dealer and I have no affiliation with parasound or ayon. All I know is that I was unhappy with the service and performance I got when I bought the the ayon. The parasound cd1 is vinyl like in its sound and it is the last CD player I will ever own. If you have a big cd collection this is your go to player.
Calvinj I sell neither the AYON nor Parasound just saying what I've heard. In fact I just ordered the new AMR CD-777SE (without hearing it because it hasn't been released yet) but have high hopes. They say the 777SE now outperforms the much acclaimed 77.1 which will be no small feat!

(Dealer disclaimer)
@sksos1Ok. Tell me how the AMR sounds after you get it. I will be interested to know how it performs. Also, Have you hear the EAR 868 preamplifier?
Calvinj will do. I've not heard the EAR pre, I use the VRE-1b preamp.

(Dealer disclaimer)
Ok I'm thinking about getting one because I have a friend who has one and I'm impressed.