integrated for zu definition 3

I just got these new def3 speakers and currently have a viva 300p, but want something with a 845 tube but stll very musical and involving.

I know I may not be able to get into the 845 with my budget which, I think I have the viva sold for $2500,and I can add another $1000 so $3500 total.

I know these speakers have the capability of being keepers for life I just need the right amplification.

Hey Morgan, what are your thoughts / comparison of the Torii on your Zu speakers vs. the Art Audio? I currently have the Art Audio Jota HC (running VV32B tubes) that is a great amp with my Zu Essence, but I am really interested in trying a Torii based on what I read. Anything you can share related to strengths and weaknesses of both setups will be helpful!
52Tiger - no, I haven't heard the 300B, but I have heard a few versions of the Solista and the LT and the smaller push-pull they make. All the ones I've heard have a very palpable presence that is extremely addictive once you get used to it. IMO, without that "in the room" sound, a hifi system is nothing but a glorified PA. I've heard some other very nice amps, by Jadis, the big Cary SETs and Shindo, but nothing in the price range you're talking about. Maybe you could pick up a used older Solista in the 5K price range, but what do you do if it breaks? But the old Solista was a damn nice amp. And it has 845s to boot.
Thats true,the amp does have that in the room sound. however I just wanted more of that.after moving my speakers closer to the front wall and reading your post about listening to loud, which I think I have been, I might be happy with this amp for awhile. thanks
Hi 1Mark,
I owned the Essence but I never had the Decware or the Art Audio paired with it at that time. I did have an Art Audio PX-25 and and AA 845 and a Decware Torii with the Omen Defs. I preferred the PX-25 to the 845 for its Increased transparency, speed, and PrAt and I would love to have the PX-25 in my possession now..... However the Torii was my favorite amp With the Omen Defs as it had the immediacy and in the room presence of the best set (which for me was a Coincident 300b with BT tubes), coupled with amazing transparency, and very deep and fast bass. The Torii has a lot less coloration than most other tube amps, is very detailed, and maybe a bit too transparent for some systems. It does seem to pair very well with Zu ( I know of four other Zu owners that were very happy with it), but it doesn't pair as well with my current Tekton Pendragons as the midbass is a bit overwhelming for my room.......that is in comparison to the Art Audio Carissa 845 which produced a big bold romantic sound. It was fantastic for jazz, but seemed to be less agile with faster paced music.......

I do hope this huge pro of the Torii is that you can easily customize the bass and treble for your speakers, and the large number of tubes make it alot of fun to customize to meet your needs........
It does help Morgan, thx very much! I need to find a Torii III to put against my Jota. That will be a highly interesting and entertaining project...